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Rumi Go Ihoku Hakurensou

October, 2nd 2018


Masamine Go Futomisou x Maki Go Mikasasou

Breeder: Laura Quadri

Kennel: Ihoku Hakurensou

Deutscher Champion VDH

Deutscher Champion DCNH

Deutscher Jugend Champion VDH

Deutscher Jugend Champion DCNH

German Junior Winner 2019

Bundes-Jugendsiegerin 2019

Clubsiegerin 2020

Alpensiegerin Offenburg 2022

VDH Bundessiegerin 2022

Rumi: A few words about myself.   While I was born in Italy, I'm 100% Japanese, but quickly have adapted to life in Germany.  I fancy myself to be much smarter than my brother, and more tactical in showing affection to the humans.  Like any good horse, I jump only as high as I must.  People have referred to me as an escape artist but that is just me exploring.  For example, when I rush into the forest off leash at the scent of wilderness and run until exhausted, I always find a cab ride home... if I can't navigate on my own.  Mornings are my favorite time of day.  The humans are great snuggle buddies and always allow me the remains of their cappuccino(s).  I'm exceptionally clean and soft, and I use that as a weapon in getting attention.  Unlike my brother, I'm not a picky eater.  My favorite foods include quark, leberwurst, pasta and of course pizza.  Some would say, and accurately, that I'm a bit of a diva.  I've demonstrated that I can win every dog show I enter, so long as my hotel accommodations maintain me in the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed (5 star only please).  At the end of the day, I'm happiest at home with my family and plotting how to steal their food.  Bis bald!

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